Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Let's cook a French Omelet for dinner

Items needed for each omelet:
2 eggs,
1 tablespoon milk,
Salt and pepper to taste.
Break eggs into a bowl.
Beat (or mix) eggs with a whisk until foamy.
Pour (or add) the milk and mix.
Add a pinch of salt and pepper (or add salt and pepper to taste)
In a non-stick omelette pan melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium-high heat, when butter stops foaming, pour in eggs, swirling around pan to distribute evenly.
Cook, lifting sides of omelette to let uncooked egg flow underneath, until almost set (or golden), (about 1 minute). Fold omelette with the help of a wooden or plastic fork and cook for an additional 20 seconds. (If you are an authority in the subject, you can flip the omelette).
Serve at once with a side salad.
Enjoy your meal!
Bon appétit!

1 comment:

Ferran said...

Hi Susana! Congratulations, your omelette sounds delicious! I might as well give it a try, or shall we keep the eggs for the eggnog?